In science sessions, together with our teacher Tamara, we have explored our school’s garden. To do this, we have analyzed the trees that we coexist with day by day in our play and learning space.
Observing the surroundings, we have seen a great variety of trees: some very tall, others medium-sized, and even small ones.
As soon as we started our walk, we came across a pomegranate tree full of fruits: the pomegranates. We saw them in two colors: some yellow and others red. The yellow ones need to ripen a little more on the tree before we can eat them, while the red ones are ready to be harvested and we can enjoy their delicious flavor.

Another tree we have found is the pine. We have counted a total of 10 in our garden. We have noticed that many of them have a sticky substance called resin. This is an organic secretion produced by many plants, particularly coniferous trees. It serves as a natural protective coating against insects and pathogenic organisms. These trees produce pine cones, but the ones we managed to collect… were eaten by our squirrel friends!

Suddenly, we found some black fruits on a medium-sized tree and realized they were… olives! Its leaves were elongated and a beautiful green. So we also collected them in our treasure basket!

After approaching the garden, we saw that there were only two small plants with a very special smell. After smelling it, many of us guessed that this plant was used in the paellas our parents make at home. It was rosemary! So, after realizing that the garden needs our help to grow, we will study a bit more about what we can cultivate along with our classmates from preschool.

When we arrived in the classroom, we observed more carefully the characteristics of each of the collected fruits and drew them to create a collective book about our precious garden. In this way, we will learn to respect the different spaces of our beloved school, taking care of this treasured place as the foundation of our learning

4 years old